Metal Hellsinger (VR Mod)

Rating: ⭐⭐


This flat PC game needs to be modded to work in VR (and can be modded to work with bHaptics and a ProVolver) and works very well with my C2. It has a “dash” feature (like teleport movement as opposed to a faster run speed) that can be bound to the movement Joystick press button in the Gateway by selecting “Run Source” (as in the game) to “Press/Push.” This means once you physically walk at a fast enough speed it will engage the dash movement in game. This is fun but less precise than pushing the dash button on the controller, especially since you cannot specify the speed at which dash activates. However since attacking on beat per this rhythm game is already a lot to think about, it might be easier to set this to press/push. I have a video with gameplay with the C2 on my YouTube channel:

You can find the mod here

Rating Info:

Walking speed realism: It appears to be a fixed walking speed that is relatively low regardless of real world/C2 walking running speed but the dash feature makes up for it. (3 points)

World Size: The game has one small or moderate sized world that is easy to navigate. (2 points)

Responsiveness: The game is responsive to the user’s movements with minimal delays or inaccuracies. (3 points)

Sprinting: Sprinting is done by Dashing (1 points)

Sprinting mechanic: There is only Quick Dash movement (1 point)

Decoupled head/body: Yes, by default

Entry info: The game was tested using a Oculus Queston the Kat Walk C2.


Gateway Settings

Gateway version: 2.1.5


Entry by: Ender’s VRcade
Date: February 2023

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